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Friday, November 23, 2007

Natural home remedies for anxiety / panic attacks! by Zokson

There are so many natural remedies for anxiety or panic attacks but here are few basic steps you need to take on your own to help yourself.
1. First try avoiding coffee, nicotine or alcohol. Those three have triggered a lot of my anxiety attacks. When reducing coffee do it slowly because of the headaches. It has worked for me. And if you really need to have coffee, then drink it in the morning only. (Or mix half decaf and regular coffee!)
2. Replace your coffee with herbal teas for anxiety relief. You can find those in a lot of local health stores.
3. Avoid any energy drinks since most of those have a lot of caffeine in it. Avoiding chocolate, sweets, and even soda has helped me as well.
4. Eat healthier, more vegetables and fruits, and less junk food.
5. Light exercise at the beginning, but later on you can increase the tempo since exercise is healthy and very beneficial to your overall health.
6. Start talking to your close family and friends about your anxieties. It helps! If you cannot talk to them, finding a person who has similar issues is great. It is a free therapy.
7. In addition to all of this, you need to change your mind set!
You see, I have been dealing with anxieties for the last 4 years, and I have realized that if I start improving my "bad habits" my anxieties can be reduced and eliminated. By taking those few basic steps, my anxieties started to improve. People around me noticed the big difference. In addition to healthier diet, I found another product that changed my way of thinking. My personal belief is that healthier diet helps, but the problem is also in our mind, so as much as we need to improve our body health, we have to work on our mind as well.
In your opinion what do you think causes your anxiety? Stress or distress? Do you believe that natural home remedies for anxiety or panic attacks can cure your problem? Vote now and see what others think!
About the Author
Zokson - Sharing my personal experiences in order to help others...

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